america which is the institution of building the middle class. the very thing president obama wants to fix he is going destroy, unintentionally, but that's the consequence of obamacare. >> neil: you're getting into the whole jobs thing on lab you're day -- labor day weekend. thank you very much. >> have a great weekend: >> neil: all right. the president keeps saying that republicans can't whine about his health care law because they have no plan of their own. this republican begs begs to di. guess what? he does have a plan and it's working fine. the indiana governor on what he calls the cure to obama care on fbn, 8:00 p.m. >> demand it. it? >> neil: slush fund for spying. proof it won't be dying anytime soon? but let's be ready. ♪ let's do our homework. ♪ let's look out for each other.