lebanon if someone was to bomb syria. seems like the coalition of the willing is the united states on its own. >> but of course we're being pushed, you'd say, by britain and france, which is very reminiscent of libya where we were just supposed to be involved a little bit in the beginning and britain and france and nato were supposed to do the heavy lifting and they can't. they don't spend enough on their military so it falls to us. >> talk about how the white house is selling this. jay carney said they believe the chemical weapons pose a direct threat to the united states. so they're kind of trying to form this in a way that becomes more palatable to the united states. >> of course, obama all along has really tried to prioritize the united nations. part of libya was about enforcing the writ of the international community, set eight side whether or not there is an international community. we're not going to be permission from the u.n. russia and china won't allow it. so they're trying to say it's a direct threat to the united states and we really have to