black. it doesn't fit the liberal narrative. the liberal story line. i will give you just one quick example. let's say george zimmerman in the trayvon martin case, let's say george zimmerman had tweeted a message saying he hates black people and then went on to kill trayvon martin, that would be proof all the proof you need that is he a racist and the media rightly would have been all over that yet, one of the thugs in oklahoma, allegedly, supposedly, i'm sure it's true, tweeted that he hates white people, okay? have the media made a big deal out of that? no, because they are uncomfortable with that kind of bigotry. >> also an age difference though. the thugs involved in oklahoma and in spokane are teenagers and zimmerman was an adult. but that's not an excuse for not covering the story. see, look, i think what people don't stand is that the three network newscasts are still the flag ship newscast and set the tone for the whole organization. >> right. >> they only have 22