there are no parental rights for husband. >> that is so wrong. >> i agree it was wrong. that is the reason she lost. >> as public policy view don't we want fathers however they get women pregnant, don't we want them to be in the children's life? supportings financial and emotionally to be part of their lives. jon: right. there are organizations like now and lesbian groups and so forth who are saying, if a lesbian couple get as child by instreet throw fertilization. we don't want the father coming in saying we want the baby. >> chilling effect. again going back to the legal issues. it is about documents. then he is not going to sign an intended parent document. he will sign something saying i give up all my rights. this is just insemination and that's it. i will walk away. jon: even the ledgetor who wrote the law saying i never intended this to happen. >> i was going to say, about watching legislation being is like watching sausage.