>> well, brenda, i think when you give people something for free, they're apt to do what most of us would do and that's become lazy. i'm not saying that everyone getting the food stamps is lazy. but let's look at something like unemployment benefits. when are people most likely to get a job that have unemployment benefits? just when unemployment benefits run out. what is the correlation between shortening unemployment and unemployment? it goes down. so you can -- and study after study has shown that when you increase unemployment benefits, the length of time a person stays unemployed is longer. so there's a very direct correlation between increasing this quote, unquote, free money and a time a person sits back and i hate to say it becomes lazy. i'm not saying there's a certain percentage of people out there who don't really desperately need it or in the case that jehmu points out, they are desperate for food stamps. yeah, but there's a big gap