wouldn't know. running will kill you. >> and howard says every once in a while you should declare a be nice to bob week. >> i was nice to you today. >> very nice. very nice. eric has been particularly tough on me the last three or four weeks, but i love him, forgive him. it is a tough job but i love it. >> i am always nice to you. >> no, you're not. most of the time you are. >> we have to go. quickly, melinda, which new story upset you most this week and why. >> obama care. >> bob? >> benghazi, sorry. >> i forgot. i know. the republicans had nice people. >> stay with benghazi. too many facts coming out. >> a-rod, bothers me, couldn't come to decision with that. >> being called a racist? >> all right. still to come, how old is too old to still be living with mom