to do at all. alisyn: thus your idea was born. your competition, the place most people go are pottery barns of the world, target, bed, bath & beyond. how does a little company like you survive? >> we're about all one-stop shopping right in our online store. we're a little bit more about fashion, which we love. and one thing i know is that moms and dads are really overwhelmed with getting their children ready for college. so we make it easy. alisyn: we're looking at shots of some dormifyed. you have hundreds of advisors. what do they do. >> they're ambassadors and contribute to our blog. besides our shopping experience we have more of a life-style aspect to our brand and they write blog post, promote on social networks and host events for us. alisyn: i understand that they're not paid but there are some benefits they recoup if they do well? >> right. there are certain situations where they can earn commission