so are members of congress, democratic members of congress. the president we hear was getting an earful on the hill yesterday from fellow democrats. that is because under the new law the generous health plans and lawmakers and staffers and aides enjoy, they remain in limbo under obamacare. there is serious concern about a brain drain leaving capitol hill from the very people that passed this bill into law. byron josh, chief political correspondent from "washington examiner" fox news contributor. good morning to you. what is this about? >> first of all members of congress and their staff are happy with their health care plan. it is a good plan and the government pays for 75% of it. so they're happy with it. go back to the obamacare debate. obviously republicans opposed it of the at one point in the debate senator charles grassley, republican senator from iowa said, look if we force all the americans to buy health care on exchanges let's fours orselves to do it too. we put in the amendment that