so it's almost a gathering of both the intelligence and the information security commercial communities and what you're going to see is the new embedded attacks. you're going to see car attacks, you're going to see things that work against home automation systems and factories and all of the little things we call them embedded computers that you actually don't see as computers at all but, in fact, play very big role in your life. and that's sort of the -- jenna: sorry to combrupt you there but let's talk about a few of those. we did a segment on the show about this so-called car hacking as our cars are becoming more computerized. there were reports that people can actually hack into your car and control some of the things that you do. first of all, is that true? and what are you hearing as far as the technology for that type of hacking? >> well, there have been a couple of good pieces of research on car hacking but i can assure you this is not something that's going to happen to you or to me. a lot of this stuff is