bill: that was sarcasm. what is his responsibility as president. >> two things. we bailed out wall street and bailed out big corporation. they never had it better and not doing great. >> on his watch. >> hiring people and investing. president obama will make sure we now invest in things, manufacture things and make things because that is how the middle class got built. we need to do that in this country again so the middle class can earn a living to support a family on and buy things and do things and send their kids to school and be able to afford it. that will be the package deal. businesses and corporations want more tax breaks with republicans pushing time and tile again. we know that tide did not lift all boats, that will be paired with rebuilding infrastructure, making things, manufacturing things and putting the middle class and working so they can support themselves. bill: this is fundamental issue you have to both debate here. that is what hume says. before you spread the wealth you have to create it. the government doesn't create wealth. it absorbs it. the private sector creates it. >> you have the biggest stimulus