his costumes caught our eye, but he is really just some guy. i speak of the town cryer who announced the royal baby's birth outside the hospital on monday. several american news outlets, not ours of course, i think, i don't know, reported he was making an official announcement, but in fact he was a big fan of the royal fam and not connected in anyway with anything. awesome. >> i love this person. >> in an interview tony appleton said he showed up after getting a tip kate was in labor. the royal family announced for his exuberance he will be beheaded. discuss in the -- >> lightning roooooooouuuuunnnnnnnd. lightning round. >> imogen, some say you are british. >> apparently this week. >> what kind of lax security detail are they running over there that this imposter could do such a thing? >> i am really, really cross with the british actually and