ultrasound machines? >> this is in virginia. it place place in a lot of states, it's called a certificate of need provision. the institute for justice is litigating this because it essentially is asking the government -- it has the government having you ask for permission to compete. not only do you have to, if you want to buy an ultrasound machine, you have to go before a state board. but your potential competitors, other businesses who have similar services in the area, are actually allowed to oppose it, which unsurprisingly, happens all the time. >> steve: no kidding. once a week she joins us to tell us about the government red tape that's binding up the whole economy, it seems like. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> steve: sand. meanwhile, straight ahead, the government spending $34 million on a military post nobody is ever going to use. that building right there. it gets worse. now our nation's heros about to lose danger pay. allen west is reporting for duty. he'll weigh in on it next. and she may only be 15 years