were 18 of them through out the world -- basically if you were not at a direct threat of being killed imminently you're not going to get additional danger pay if you're a member of the military. a lot of people are like wait a minute, isn't it implicit in the fact that you serve you're going to be in danger. $35 billion from 2013 coming up on 2014, $52 billion. how is that going to impact our national security? >> first, it's going to continue to hit another $50 billion everyear if we don't figure out how to reform the way we spend money. it's going to hit because it will manifest itself across the board in indiscriminate cuts which means it's going to hit every part of the pentagon budget including personnel and benefits and stuff like danger pay and combat pay. until the white house leads and congress, republicans and democrats put forth budgets that reflect the budget control act, or at least acknowledge it in planning, you're going to continue to hit the

Related Keywords

Lot ,People ,Danger ,Baddest Military ,World ,Pay ,Isn T ,Member ,Threat ,It Implicit ,18 ,Fact ,Security ,First ,2014 ,52 Billion ,2013 ,5 Billion ,35 Billion ,50 Billion ,0 Billion ,2 Billion ,Way ,Money ,Part ,Cuts ,Stuff ,Board ,Benefits ,Figure ,Pentagon Budget Including Personnel ,Congress ,White House ,Combat Pay ,Republicans ,Planning ,Budgets ,Democrats ,Budget Control Act ,

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