is the instruction at the very, very end, a little sneak peek into this where she will say to them, you must look at the law. you must not look at your passion or anything like that, you must look at the law, and we are counting on you to make a wise decision which i think was interesting. i haven't seen that many times before. >> i haven't seen it in a jury charge before. >> it's always i know, folly to try to figure out how to read the tea leaves of what jurors are thinking. however we have a little bit of a window into what they're thinking because the associated press just released this report and said that one of the their reporters who was inside the courtroom tweeted that he saw one of the jurors wiping away a tear during the prosecution's argument, closing argument. >> the rebuttal. >> the rebuttal. which as i think you said was emoti emotional. >> it was very emotional. a child and the last thing this child was trying to do and the last four minutes of his life was just trying to get home. i've been watching this case from the very beginning as we all have and my stomach just -- >> but that's the only card that they really had to play. because i think the last thing that this child did was punch

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