casually and conversationally, a folksy manner as opposed to the fiery moments bernie de la rionda, the prosecutor yesterday. so george zimmerman there standing up next to mark o'mara. tried to humanize his client, the defendant here charged with second-degree murder, who really has pretty much just sat there across the room from the jury this entire three week trial. pretty much not making many expressions. finally, mark o'mara got to show this jury that computer animation he tried so hard to get into the trial earlier this week, but the judge wouldn't allow it except for losing arguments as a demonstrative exhibit, so they saw that computer animation clearly showing trayvon martin throwing the first punch. that's why prosecutors objected to it, because there was absolutely no evidence that that was exactly the way the whole altercation's claimanted in the beginning. so now we'll have a short rebuttal in about ten minutes by john guy with the state prosecutors, and then this afternoon the judge will give the jury their 27-page jury