at with intellectual honesty. we're not more respected now that this is our president, president obama. his belief is that if america is weaker, if it less imposes its will anywhere on earth then the world will love us. he doesn't mean respect, he means love. the liberal wants to be loved. he's the quintessential man of the left. he wants america to be loved. we right now don't have love and we don't have respect. in the past we had respect. now we have neither. >> isn't that -- doesn't that go the heart of it, though, lesley, that putin has no troubles just sticking america's -- you know sticking his finger in america's face. th don't have the respect for the president. they didn't even go to the interpol police agency to go through the proper procedures as the "wall street journal" pointed out today. isn't that a big problem? >> honestly, sean, i do believe it's a problem but i think it