to deal with over and over again. he was probably fed up. i am not saying it is right, but i understand. >> jesse, you dress like a 10-year-old vandal so i am guessing you sympathize. >> i do, guy who dresses like he works on a mediterranean party boat. i don't see what the big deal is. justin bieber is a teenager who destroyed tons of property and he has been in the closet for years. >> unnecessary. he is an american hero. mike, is this insane or is this insane? >> well, you got the owner's point of view and the kids' point of view and the parents of the kids i suppose. consequences, right? i don't know. if i was 10 years old and i was caught at somebody's house swinging a hammer i would feel lucky if i got away with throwing in the closet for a couple hours. >> did you ever go into somebody's house when you were a kid when nobody was home?