'cause you dropped your other daughter off at a camp, right? right away, her grandmother said, i don't know about that camp. i don't know if i could have dropped off my daughter. why? 'cause you're always thinking about others. >> that's true. >> you got to invest in yourself. right? >> that's very hard to do. >> it is hard to do. >> brian: why don't you just go out and do your own thing. can you give her 100 bucks and let her go out and just -- >> we're going to give you my number so you can call me and we'll get started. >> brian: street therapy, very successful. >> you're next. >> brian: you owe him $4,000. great meeting you. have a good time in new york city. he'll satisfy your deductible. let's go back inside for street therapy session number one, an overwhelming success. >> i think we're a good service. you're the key to this. >> brian: thank you. back inside. >> steve: now mary has a to her to tell when she goes back to illinois. >> gretchen: no doubt. all right. she got a trip to new york and some therapy on the side.