to fix it. >> john, do you think this will impact the economy for the good or bad? >> i don't think it's going to be negligible either way. facebook had a lot of problem with beacon. that was sharing users' data with advertisers so they could target certain users. that really hurt them for a time being. they got over that. look, cloud-based computing in the united states, you're going to have a fallback. you're already having some of that from corporations overseas and governments overseas. but facebook wasn't going to get into china anyway. and the consumer here -- look, this is like saying the phone companies are going to die because there was wiretapping in watergate. it didn't happen then. and people now realize, look, our government's been snooping since they first had horses and tin with a string tied between it. this is nothing new. i think people realize that. >> we're not talking about your college education, john. come on. >> leave that out of this. >> i want to know how they did that snooping when there was two