my hair. >> i feel beautiful. >> i love my hair. announcer: hair club offers all-proven hair loss solutions backed by our commitment to satisfaction guaranteed. if you're not 100% satisfied with the sution you choose, hair club will apply the purchase price to another proven hair loss solution or transplant more hair at no charge. >> and that was the best thing i've ever done. >> it looks good on me. >> aouncer: call in the next five minutes to t your free brochure at no obligation. it will tell you evethinyou needo know about your hair loss problem, and it's free if you call now. >> i am more pleased than at i had even imagined. >> i at least ok, i would say, five years younger. >> i'm 52 and i look better now than i did when i was in my 40s. >> i feel great. >> announcer: and that's not all! the first 10people who call will also receive $250 off any hair loss solution from hairlub. call now! [♪...]