rationale for his presidency, we're so smart, if we put our mind to it, the government can do anything we want it to do. they have to defend themselves on ground of incompetence or not being able to manage the bureaucracy. there is problem getting back to the irs, when they say that president obama had nothing to do with this in terms of ordering it, my hunch is that is probably true. we now know a lot of people in washington knew this was going on. that's why lois lerner pled the fifth. martha: yeah. >> she essentially misled congress about this. martha: could be as karl rove suggests, he blew the dog whistle and that was enough to sort of set the climate, that led to this. a lot of pieces still to put jonah, thanks very much for weighing in this morning. we'll see you soon. >> thank you. bill: who are you going to call? what from the white house the president is talking about the issue of mental health in america. want to drop in for a moment. >> i want to be absolutely clear.