them for their ongoing work. fema was here before sandy made landfall, they're still here today. >> john is still looking for them. he live on stat ten island. >> what did you milwaukee of this is? -- what tide you make of this? >> as i reported to you, fema's response was nowhere near satisfactory as far as our community was concerned. they came down early stage, with clipboards and a lot of looking around but there wasn't a lot of action and it really fell down to volunteer community grassroots organizations to give that initial response that the community needed. so, i don't feel great about all this backslapping on fema, especially seven months later when i know what is going on, on the ground in staten island and we're still not getting sufficient response. >> they're arguing it took them a while to get their sea legs but fema has been making up for

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Fema ,Work ,Island ,John ,Sandy Made Landfall ,Ten ,Response ,Community ,Stage ,Wasn Ta Lot ,Action ,Community Grassroots Organizations ,Clipboards ,Ground ,Sea Legs ,Backslapping On Fema ,Staten Island ,Seven ,

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