mowing began reflecting on the portrait of her marine son donald. >> his spiky hair, i mean that is my son. >> reporter: donald hogan's portrait is one of 150 on display inside this galleria jay sent to the university of southern california. >> what we needed to do is connect with the faces of those who have sacrificed their lives for our country. and we wanted it to begin with art. h-frpblgtoefp portrait is done by a different artist giving each a different look. >> i think a little bit of the artist is in every portrait as well. you can't help you're putting your heart and soul into the painting and tying to portray this faller hero so that two have come together. >> reporter: most of the portraits are done in acrylic or oil. so far all the subjects have been from california. the exhibit answer curator says her dream is to have the artwork for all 6600 americans killed mighting in iraq or afghanistan. heros, just like carla hogan's