unintended consequences that created the problems. your reaction? >> my guess is if he were here, he would not say all republicans 'cause i'm sure he wouldn't be including me in that group. but what i would say is that the point is that with libya, and i made the same point, many of the people who wanted to be involved in libya also wanted to support gadhafi with arms the year before and then they were for toppling gadhafi the next year, that this eagerness to get involved in a war sometimes has unintended consequences. i think it's still yet to be determined what happens in libya, whether the government that takes over is more pro-american or less pro-american than the previous government. same exists in egypt and the same exists in syria, while assad is a bad guy in syria, i'm also worried about al-qaeda taking over the country and actually being more enemies of israel than the current regime. >> brian: right. i love what you're doing, trying to get that doctor out that helped us get bin laden. hopefully you won't give up that fight. >> we're working on it, everything we can do, we'll do.