>> chris: congressman rogers? >> the conclusion the irs came to is they had individuals engaged in discrimination of poe let cal groups. i don't care if you are a contract, liberal, democrat or republican this should send a chill up your spine. something that we cannot let stand. it needs to have a full investigation. i don't know where it stops or who is involved. whoever is involved through a fact-based investigation and it has to be external. clearly shown that they can't do it themselves. and i think congress needs to have that oversight. and i also want to invite adam my good friend by the way down to the intelligence space so that we can talk about the real capabilities we have that does not include military action that our arab league partners are asking for in syria and we have not been able to deliver. i think we can all get to this. >> chris: can we come with the fox news cameras? >> neither adam nor i look good in the orange jump suits with the numbers on the back. >> chris: thank you for coming in today. a lot of news today.

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