broad is trying to break out the house next door to me. >> you just heard charles ramsey say that he was eating mcdonald's from helping free those three kidnapped women in ohio. mickey d's was quick to tweet and thank him with this. quote, we salute the courage of ohio kidnap victims and respect their privacy. way to go, charles ramsey, we'll be in touch. the tweet firing up a big debate over whether mcdonald's should have done this. critics calling it a cheesy pr move. rich, you disagree. why? >> oh, my goodness. this is the age of twitter and facebook. i think what mcdonald's did was mildly heroic and i applaud it. i'm glad when a company of mcdonald's size still goes on the aggressive tact and takes opportunistic chances like this. as far as charles ramsey as a flaweded pers eperson, this is s salvation. maybe he'll look at himself differently and not fall back into a life of crime. i think this is wonderful for