that call instead of the school? we'll talk about that and so much more. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. i don't know. as a mom, i kind of like that they set some guidelines for the kids. have you seen what the kids are wearing these days? >> steve: brian, did you ever think about attending a dance with spaghetti straps? >> brian: i look at all different outfits for all the dances i attend. but at the end i end up nixing it. but it's something parents have dealt with for generations. do you realize every generation of parents have said that, back to the 18 90s? >> gretchen: i know. >> brian: can you believe this generation what they're wearing? remember the flappers, we thought the world was ending. >> gretchen: the only problem is they've gone from turtle necks to happenedly any clothing at all. eventually they will have nothing on of the then what will they do? >> brian: it's a good news for