he lifted his shirt to show us that he didn't and the people on scene were able to take him into custody. >> reporter: the chief is not alone in his pride. grateful residents streamed into the watertown police department carrying trays of food. smiling children delivered cheerful letters. one tearful couple bursting with pride even gave up cherished red sox tickets to the heroic companies who put their lives on the line. >> geraldo: when is dhokhar going to be healthy enough to be questioned? adam housely is at beth israel hospital in boston where he is being treated. what is his condition? >> that is a million dollars question. how much has he been asked. is he coherent enough to ask and when will that all begin? we have been told a couple of things. not a lot but a couple of things. the u.s. attorney's office as well as the fbi said that the suspect here is in serious but stable condition at this hour.