get the sense that security will change whether it's a marathon here in boston or whether it's a baseball game in st. louis? are we now embarking in a new phase in american security, much as we did have september 11th? >> i think as far as security at the events themselves, really only can be fine tuned. i don't think that much more can be done. obviously the boston police will look and see what changes can be made. i don't see dramatic changes happening at the event itself. we need more cameras. if we have cameras sim to lower manhattan going up midtown, over in london you could find out who was involved much more quickly because everything is done frame by frame, rather than trying to assemble 5 to 600 or 1,000 video cameras. we'll see more and more use of cameras. shows the need for intelligence. you have to have pple on the ground and also, see something, say something. >> great point. >> if anyone sees anyone