now. this is the first noneuropean pope in 1300 years. quite a break from tradition there. the washing feet of prisoners apparently another one, steve? >> this will be the first time that a pope will be leaving the vatican to do this in a prison. it is worth noting that, it will be reenacting a ceremony that jesus did. jesus washed the feet of his a poll ses -- apostles on the night before he died. he will do something christ did before he himself was taken off to prison. it is appropriate he is doing that in the setting he is. jon: in biblical times the feet were considered a dirty part of the body and they were often dirty just stomping the roads with days of barefoot or sandal travel. washing the feet you were doing the ultimate to help someone who was a guest in your home. that is why christ did it. the pope is doing something very much like it with these prisoners. the thing that interests me, many of the people in the prison apparently are either