well. jenna: a quick question, we talked to bob about gun control during the first part of our show. when it comes to gun control legislation or immigration reform -- you're laughing, you know what i'm going to ask, which takes precedent when everybody gets back from their holiday recess? >> it's going to be immigration reform. because that's something that they can get through and both side even the white house they need a victory now and i still think that they are farther apart on gun control than they are on immigration reform. jenna: something to watch. we'll watch the president again on gun control in about 20 minutes. thank you very much. always nice to see you. jon: an update to a story we've told you about. remember this a florida multi-millionaire to tried to save his fortune by adopting his 42-year-old girlfriend. well now a judge is reversing that adoption. so what happens to all the money? we have the latest. also, president obama just returning from a trip to the middle east. what impact is he having on america's image around the world? some surprising new poll numbers