dowd loved to write about it. it's so pervasive. when john kerry was running for president, wind surfing or skiing, whatever, each side does it. there's nothing racist about it, they're just doing what they always do. it doesn't-- and for joan to pretend like she doesn't know that. that she did it herself. you know? this is just -- i don't do it personally, i think they should be allowed to take vacations, but, i'm sorry, secret service has to go along and paid for. it doesn't mean they should be overdoing it, but i don't begrudge them going on vacation and certainly the daughters are off limits, but the breitbart story was straight forward story and i wouldn't have done it and-- >> could have said it was a ritzy place, didn't have to get into it. there's been a theme of, i mean, a string of vacations that the obamas have taken that are pricey to fancy