systems built into the ships really makes a lot of sense. jenna: the questions come down to the ships, right whether or not we have the amount of aircraft carriers that we're used to for example in the persian gulf. we've heard a lot about that with sequester about whether or not we are going to deploying some of those ships. there seems to be a perception with the drones, special operators out there that modern warfare as we know it with bigger army is somehow over especially considering some of the budget restrictions. what is the right expectation on that? >> the right expectation is that drones do a great job of providing information. in very limited situations, very specific situations they can conduct combat strikes but there is really no substitute for actual force. in terms of the navy deployments to the persian gulf and middle east we don't lack the ships, what we lack is the operating budgets to deploy them. sequestration has really taken a hit on both the ability of the navy to deploy as well as our readiness, our ability to train to get ready to deploy.