the court declare a big constitutional right in this regard or rather leave it in the political arena? >> i prefer a uniform standard for the country but 20 years from now i don't think it will matter. i think it will be legal in all 50 states. >> chris: jennifer, for are those who don't know it a first panel here on the panel. a conservative panelist and blogger for the washington post. you have written social conservatives have already lost the battle among voters on same-sex marriage and should leave it up to the political process. what do you mean that they lost the battle? >> if you look at the polls the previous guests were talking about there has been a change among conservatives and republicans and all americans. in ten years or 20 years we will not be talking about this any more. i think you are seeing a swift movement particularly among younger people. i don't think that the supreme court would be wise to follow in roe and preempt the field by holding a 14th amendment right to gay marriage. i think it should be left to the states and i think that is where the gay marriage proponents are going to have a

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Chris Wallace ,Country ,Us ,Regard ,Standard ,Jennifer ,Arena ,Who Don T ,Court Declarea Big Constitutional Right ,50 ,20 ,Same Sex Marriage ,Voters ,Panel ,Battle ,Process ,Washington Post ,Conservatives ,Conservative Panelist ,Blogger ,More ,Republicans ,Persuading Americans One By ,Polls ,Guests ,Swift Movement ,Change ,Ten ,People ,States ,Supreme Court ,Gay Marriage ,Proponents ,Roe ,The Field ,Holdinga 14th Amendment ,14 ,

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