this is what drives me nuts. >> bill: so three dui convictions, mcguirk. and then he goes in on the third. and how long, 55 days -- >> -- yeah. >> bill: he is out in nine hours. that's not justice. >> not at all. >> bill: that's three times you are out. >> lindsay lohan of justice, that's right. i know the jails are crowded out there. that's part of the reason why they are letting out these -- >> bill: guy is going to do it three times he can kill somebody. he he is not learning his lesson. >> if you are a rapist. you know, you are castrated. if you are a driver, cut off his feet so he can't drive. >> cut off his feet? >> cut off his feet. this is why i'm not ever going to be in politics. >> you just sold your franchise the five and red eye to pakistan. they just heard that and they got we got to get this guy in here. >> how about celebrity island where we send all these celebrities to an island and we just leave them there. >> bill: my pinhead of the week. phil specter.