get tourism there would be all hell breaking out, a lot of turmoil. you know the old skit when someone has a string, you have a string and pull it entire suit falls apart, that would probably be the initial reaction. heather: okay. >> ultimately i happen to be a euro skeptic. i think all these countries should be independent on their own, printing their own currency, calling their own shots. some of them have become so dependent on this relationship it would be havoc and there would be desperation as least initially and it would be a dangerous time for everyone for a period of time. heather: so you don't see a reinvigoration happening? >> there won't be reinvigoration. but a lot of people will say, whew, if cyprus cuts some sort of a deal. our market will open a bit higher. the prevailing wisdom the leaders of cyprus having voted down the deal initially will vote some sort of a deal. they will cut some sort of a deal within the next 24 hours, maybe even sooner and they will stay in the euro. they will keep the euro and