>> no. >> bill: all right. good. juan williams and mary katharine ham. next on the run down sarah palin working over our pal karl rove verbally. what does brit hume think about that? later adam carolla strikes back against the huffington post implying is he a racist. jessica controversy growing in colorado. we're coming right back. both tylenol and bayer advanced aspirin are proven to be effective pain relievers. tylenol works by blocking pain signals to your brain. bayer advanced aspirin blocks pain at the site. try the power of bayer advanced aspirin. try the power new griddle-melts to youre usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4. it's like a sexy sandwich. it's an epic breakfast sandwich.