our new york city newsroom. what is behind these gains. >> we saw some the traders on wall street as they were cheering as the new pope was announced. they called it the papal pop at the end of the day. you are absolutely right. we had our seventh consecutive record closing high for the dow jones industrials. for the 401(k)'s and iras and all the folks out there hoping for so much more they are certainly getting it. 120%% up off the lows that we saw in 2009. some of the reasons, shep, that we are seeing the gains we are seeing, better housing market and labor market. improving slowly but they are improving china and europe and no longer big worries. and we can't leave out the fed head ben bernanke who continues to print money jobs better. now i know we are spending more online. >> that's the thing. we got in our latest retail sales numbers for the month of february. and you can see month over month a gain of 1.1% which exceeded the analyst estimate. what's interesting, shep is