>> reporter: and you have to remember the context, megyn, these were history, literature and civics classes taught in four different tucson schools and the fact that arizona, texas, new mexico and california were occupied states controlled or owned by mexico, that belonged to mexico, also that these latino students were being oppressed and ben franklin was a racist and che guevara was a hero. after the superintendent and state lawmakers told the school to stop the classes and comply with state academic standards. teachers and students at the school sued claiming the school, the state was violating their right to free speech. well, first a state judge ruled in favor of arizona ruling that the classes promote resentment toward white people and teachers and students appealed so now a federal appeals court judge has also ruled in favor of arizona and a group called "save ethic studies "is vowing

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Megyn Kelly ,Classes ,Reporter ,Fact ,Arizona ,Context ,Schools ,States ,History ,Literature ,Civics ,New Mexico ,Texas ,California ,Four ,Students ,Mexico ,Lawmakers ,Hero ,Che Guevara ,Superintendent ,Washington ,Ben Franklin ,Teachers ,Speech ,Favor ,School ,Estate ,State Academic Standards ,State Judge ,People ,Studies ,Group ,Resentment ,Federal Appeals Court ,Judge ,

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