pain and disruption. if he now turns around and says i made a mistake, it doesn't look good. you can't reverse that kind of public stand. >>steve: what he's trying to do ultimately is get the republicans to agree to raise taxes which they're not going to do, so we're at loggerheads right now. >>brian: varney and company 9:20 eastern time. are you going to talk about this? >> we'll have a little on this one. >>steve: are you wearing the same necktie right now that you are in that picture? >> yes, it is. you're right. you caught me, didn't you? >>brian: turn to the other side. >>gretchen: give us that british grin. oh my gosh. >> it's okay for a guy -- it's okay for a guy to wear the same tie on more than one occasion. but for a lady to wear a dress more than once -- is that right? >>gretchen: excuse me, mr. varney. should i just get up and take this dress off now