>> gretchen: it does. >> but obviously that's where they kick it off every day. >> clayton: stop trying to hide this piece of video. i know you're trying to stall. here is your first broadcast on the "fox business" network. we have some video. take a look at this. >> gretchen: how many years ago was that? >> that was in october of 2007. that is when the dow had reached its all-time high. it was over 14,000. then i spent the next several years talking about the financial crisis, layoffs, dividend cuts, down to 6500. here we are back now once again celebrating all-time highs. great for the folks with 401(k)s and iras. >> steve: 25,000 hits later, we thank you very much. nicole petallides who joins us on friday. and as we just saw when we took a look up at the balcony, today is international women's day being celebrated at the new york stock exchange.