bill: think about that part of the country. often times you associate it with the rockies out west where you are at ten, 12,000 feet. not there. martha: not as big a ski area as some of those. you would think they would be able to find him very quickly. never ski alone. that is one of the issues. if somebody goes off to the side and someone sees them and with them you don't have this kind of issue. we wish the family well. hope you find them. bill: u.s. uses unmanned drones for military missions overseas, we know that but did a drone get too close to one of america's busiest airports? what one pilot reported seeing as he landed here in new york city. martha: a crazy story. a new call for answers on the benghazi terror attack. this time it is coming from a democratic lawmaker who wants to get to the heart of the this matter. why one congressman is calling the obama a administration's investigation quote, painfully slow ♪