there is no error, then you lose that right, you forfeit that right to take it to the higher level. again, consumers are stuck between a rock and hard place. the best way to deal with this is actually go through the proper channels which goes through the bureaus and it's a long, lengthy, tedious process, but if you don't take it through the process and you let them have their way, then that bad credit, that issue is going to stay on your report for seven to ten years, whether it's a bankruptcy or foreclosure filing, something of that regard, until it's gone. that's a long time. >> gretchen: no kidding. that's how long you're supposed to keep your tax documents. sorry to bring up that issue. >> april 15 just around the corner. >> gretchen: great to see you. get all your records together if you haven't done it yet. coming up on this show, are you smarter than my eight-year-old? >> what's up? here is my math question for you. what's the size of the missing angle? >> gretchen: my kids are putting