we are pumping $85 billion sequester number, we are pumping $85 billion in the banking system every month. $85 billion in the -- >> dana: the aig bail-out was $85 billion. >> andrea: this is a good day. defense spending i think is scary but this should be a good day. this isn't a scary day. we are actually keeping government at a minimum. i think the white house is cracking big-time. this blew up in their face. they are so used to winning when they scare and they lost today. they are on their heels. scrambling. >> bob: how did they lose today? >> andrea: they planned a message strategy that did not work that failed miserably. they have the media calling them on this entire thing, bob. it didn't work. >> bob: are you suggesting that the republicans' strategy worked? >> andrea: i do. >> greg: we have to go this again in three weeks. what america is, we're a clown in a dunk booth. and just when we get dunked