smith's work. i love morissey and i know i am somebody he would definitely shoot and kill. but that's the fun thee -- that's the irony about this. he is actually one of the angriest people on the planet. >> just shut up morissey. you are a washed up has been and hating on beyonce and bieber, now that's music. >> now i am on morissey's side now that you said that. isn't it a bigoted thing? it is bigoted against straight and gay men. you are saying straight men are murders and gay men would be terrible on the battlefield. that's bigoted. >> i agree with morissey. he's right. >> wow. >> yes, straight men are problem blee responsible for the wars and the other stuff like countries like clean water and western civilization. >> you don't know that. >> and art and the sis steen chapel. >> i disagree. >> you know who did that? that was michelangelo. michelangelo was a lot of things and straight wasn't one of them. have you seen david? >> my point is there are more straight men on the planet than gay men, but there could