a paper and i'm looking at the part that goes to your state, oklahoma where the cuts will affect oklahoma. i'm curious whether you agree. oklahoma will lose for primary and secondary education, putting 70 teachers and aides jobs at risk. the 4.9 is that additional numbers you weren't expected. are you below the baseline of what you had or slowed growth. i think it's going to be showed growth. it's hard to tell. a lot of the governors just don't know exactly what to expect. and all we are hear are the scar tactics we're going to have to cut teachers and cut this, cut that and scary things are going to happen, but you know, m my state when i took over two years ago in oklahoma we had around a 6 billion dollar budget and a 500 billion dollars budget shortfall and i didn't go around scaring people and telling them i was going to have to kick granny out of the nursing home or fire all the