that's just an excuse. now did you talk to anybody, mark, that said to you, listen, i'm real sorry for your daughter, but i'm not going to support the law. did anybody be up front to you out there? >> no. no. they didn't. i did have one person come to me and says that, you know, that he was sorry, but we already have tough laws and my response to him was, well, if you had tough laws, why are your repeat offenders repeating their offenses? >> bill: as she pointed out, four years is not tough and you know, look, there are different places in different counties, you're in bolder county, that's different from colorado springs. we understand that. but you've got to have a uniform law. when you see a guy like mr. lunsford who worked with the factor factor all over the country, and as we said, we got 45 states, with idaho and jersey falling into line. 45 out of 50. and your state, colorado, that's a mainstream state. that's not hawaii.