>> stealing from everybody in this audience right here. you're taking away from their social security to give it to dependent class of people. >> taking away from their social security. i see. this is orwellian experience. i've had enough sir. you had enough. bill: it went from there. senator mccain is member of so-called gang of eight. a bipartisan group of senators, working on an immigration bill that can pass congress. he is guardedly optimistic about the chances of getting that bill. martha: all right. how about this? the opening bell on wall street right now. the markets open up for business today. the dow really hugging the flat line there for a moment as things get opened up this morning. this happens after the dow reach as five-year high at its close yesterday. there is a sped up look at the action on wall street yesterday. it climbed above 14,000 points, the number just shy of the all-time high reached in 2007. take a look at this. here is a look at the dow's growth and dips over the last two years. overall that is pretty