so their tactics were either because they're timid, which i don't believe, or they were silent on the issue and now that they're saying, what really will happen, it's too little and it's too late. that's on their heads. >> congressman, do you agree that the defense department is bearing an unfair burden of these cuts? >> we know they'll be across the board at the defense department. they're unwise. they make no sense at all. it's not prioritizing those programs that are not necessary, not effective or efficient. similarly on the discretionary side, these are programs for education, research, jal lunch programs, even men and women that are in the food chain that are providing the safety of the food. all of these things are out there. what we need to do is to not look at blaming one way or another, but really put together a program. we still have two weeks to get it done. and it can be done. proposals have been made to seek a balanced approach, making even larger cuts that the