dozen lapd and their families are under protection, for good reason. that charred body is not yet identified. it could be a setup, maybe, even christopher dorner's driver's license was found on the charred body could be planted as part of a twisted plot. how is an identification made and how certain is it? the forensic pathologist dr. michael baden joins us, i think almost all of us believe that to be the body of christopher dorner, however, we still don't know and so, what will it take to prove it? >> well, i think they have he' already proven it. i think it's zero chance it isn't dorner, because they've got some very excellent forensic dentists out there in california and it would be forensic malpractice in one of them didn't come up to the mountain and look at the charred body. remember, it's only charred on the outside and not on the inside and the teeth don't get charred, the teeth stay in good shape and within minutes